For Immediate Release
Press Contact Info:
Courtney Bures

The Color-Ad team had a banner year installing over a dozen interpretive exhibit experiences across the globe, three of which placed in the top three spots in the National Association for Interpretation’s Interpretive Media Competition.
This year’s results for the indoor exhibits category are as follows:

First place in the Interior Exhibit category of the NAI Interpretive Media Competition goes to:
“Boston Mill Visitor Center”
National Park Service
Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Exhibit Fabrication: Color-Ad, Inc. (Manassas, VA)
Exhibit Design: The Design Minds (Fairfax, VA)

Second place in the Interior Exhibit category of the NAI Interpretive Media Competition goes to:
“Manila American Cemetery Visitor Center Exhibit”
American Battle Monuments Commission
Exhibit Fabrication: Color-Ad, Inc. (Manassas, VA)
Exhibit Design: D|G Studios (Houston, TX)

Third place in the Interior Exhibit category in NAI’s Interpretive Media Competition goes to:
“Normandy American Cemetery Visitor Center Exhibit”
American Battle Monuments Commission
Exhibit Fabrication: Color-Ad, Inc. (Manassas, VA)
Exhibit Design: Haley Sharpe Design Ltd. (Leicester, UK)
Led by experienced project managers Don Grogan and Scott Harper, our exhibit fabrication and installation team implemented these award-winning projects across three different continents.
“This is a true measure of the hard work, dedication, creativity, eye for detail, product quality, project execution, interpretive knowledge and expertise, overall leadership, and team performances!” said SK Rao, Senior Vice President. President of Color-Ad, Julie Velke, expressed “We were thrilled to work with such wonderful organizations to help to bring their visions to reality.”
About Color-Ad
Color-Ad is a full-service project management and custom fabrication company, specializing in producing interpretive and interactive storytelling elements for experiential spaces, museums, and visitor centers across the globe.